You Need The Power | Object Lesson
Items Needed:
- Power drill
- Drill bit
- Wood or another material that can safely be drilled
- Power source (an outlet or extension cord)
- Bible
Begin by holding up the unplugged drill for the children to see. Pretend to use it by twisting it manually or mimicking the action of drilling into a surface. As you do this, explain how difficult and unproductive it is to use the tool this way. Share how frustrating it feels to have a tool that isn’t working as it should. This is a great moment to ask the children if they’ve ever tried to use something that wasn’t working and how it made them feel.
Next, plug the drill into a power source and show the children how it changes. Explain that now the tool has power and is ready to work, but it still won’t accomplish anything unless it’s used properly. Point out that just being connected to power doesn’t automatically mean the tool is fulfilling its purpose.
Finally, show how pulling the trigger activates the drill. Show the children how much easier it is to drill a hole when the tool is working the way it was designed. Drill a small hole into the material as an example, making sure it’s safe and controlled. Use this moment to help the children see the difference between trying to do things on your own versus relying on the proper power and tools.
Transition into the teaching by drawing a connection between the drill and our lives. Explain to the children that just as the drill needs to be plugged into a power source to work, we also need to be connected to our spiritual power source—the Holy Ghost. Share Acts 1:8 with them: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me…”
Help the children understand that the Holy Ghost is like the power for the drill. It enables us to do things for God that we could never do on our own. Without it, we’re like an unplugged drill—trying hard but not achieving much. However, simply being connected to the Holy Ghost isn’t enough. We need to “pull the trigger” by using the power God has given us.
Explain that pulling the trigger means sharing what God has done for us, living for God, and being bold about what we believe. If we don’t, it’s like leaving the drill plugged in but never using it. It’s a missed opportunity to make a difference.
Have the children to think about ways they can “pull the trigger” in their own lives, such as inviting friends to church, telling others about Jesus, or showing kindness to someone in need. Remind them that God can use them right now, no matter their age, to do amazing things for His kingdom.