With God ALL Things are Possible / Seek Ye First the Kingdom – Egg In a Bottle
1st Angle
2nd Angle
What you need:
- Peeled hard-boiled eggs (2 is recommended)
- UPDATE: You can ALSO do this with water balloons. Just fill 2 balloons with water and make sure that they are just slightly larger than an egg. You should NOT be able to push it into the bottle.
- 2 old style milk bottles (Wal-Mart sometimes sells these or you can use a Starbucks coffee bottle that any convenience store carries) – You can purchase the real thing from Amazon.com using the link below:
- Olive oil – This is ESPECIALLY important if you use balloons instead of eggs.
- Paper
- Lighter
This is the classic egg in the bottle science demonstration. Put a small coating of oil around the lip of the bottle to make it easier for the egg or balloon to slip inside the bottle.
- The egg will not fit into the bottle and if you try to push it in, it will break apart.
- Cut a strip of paper just a shorter than the height of the inside of the bottle and about 2 inches wide. Fold it in half along its length.
- Light the piece of paper on fire and once it is well lit drop it into the bottle. Let it burn for a second and then put the wide part of the egg against the mouth of the bottle completely sealing the top.
- You will probably see the egg “flutter”, the fire will go out and the egg will be sucked into the bottle.
Sometimes we have problems that we want to be fixed QUICK! We want to try to fix it ourselves and NOT let God take HIS time to do everything correctly. But when we rush things and try to do it ourselves we usually mess it all up.
Have you ever seen a rosebud? It is a full flower that is still folded up tight. We may want to speed things up and try to spread those pedals out NOW and unfold it ourselves. How do you think that would turn out? Only God can unfold the rose!
Call up a volunteer
We need to get this egg into the bottle. Can you put it inside the bottle for me? Just make sure you don’t mess it up.
Let them try to get in the bottle for a while to make sure they are very careful and don’t mess the egg up
Hmmm… That doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe there is a better way. When we do it God’s way, everything turns out better
Go through the entire experiment as described above. You have the 2nd bottle and egg as backup or to do it again.
Try to get the egg out again (this really CAN be done… turn the bottle completely upside down, let the egg settle flat against the inside mouth of the bottle and blow hard inside the bottle. This will create backpressure which will shoot the egg out. Look out!)
UPDATE: This lesson can also be used to great effect to teach, “Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.”
People try to fill their lives with the things of this world, money, houses and things but forget to prioritize the Kingdom of God. But if you get FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST, GET ON FIRE FOR GOD AND PUT GOD FIRST, God will make sure you are taken care of.