The Real Gift Is Jesus | Object Lesson

Items Needed:

  • A gift box (wrapped beautifully with bows, ribbons, and festive decorations)
  • Multiple smaller wrapped boxes to nest inside the main gift
  • Tissue paper or filler to create anticipation
  • A final small box or envelope that is empty

Begin by explaining the excitement of giving and receiving gifts at Christmas. The anticipation of unwrapping something special can bring so much joy. However, what if a beautifully wrapped gift turned out to be completely empty? That feeling of disappointment can teach an important lesson about how people often approach Christmas.

Presenting the Gift

  • Show the class a beautifully wrapped present. Talk about how much time and effort went into selecting, wrapping, and decorating it.
  • Hand the gift to a volunteer and instruct them to start unwrapping it in front of everyone.

Layer by Layer Unwrapping

  • As the student opens the first box, they will find another wrapped box inside.
  • Continue this process several times, building excitement with each new layer.
  • Encourage the class to imagine receiving a special gift and wondering what could be inside.

The Empty Box

  • When the final, smallest box is opened, it will be empty.
  • Allow a moment for the realization to sink in. Then, ask the class how they would feel if they received a beautifully wrapped gift with nothing inside.
  • Explain that while the wrapping was impressive, the real purpose of a gift is what’s inside—not just how it looks on the outside.

Many people treat Christmas the same way. They decorate, put up lights, exchange presents, enjoy time off from school, and go to holiday parties. But if all those things become the focus while leaving out Jesus—the true reason for Christmas—then it’s like wrapping an empty box.

Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth, not just a season of traditions. Some people get so caught up in the wrapping (lights, gifts, music, food) that they forget what’s truly inside—the miracle of Christ’s coming to earth. In fact, some even remove Christ from Christmas entirely, replacing it with “Xmas” or celebrating without acknowledging Him at all.

Ask the class: “If you had a birthday party, but no one invited you or even mentioned you, how would that feel?”

That’s what happens when people celebrate Christmas but leave out Jesus. They enjoy the celebration but forget to invite the One it’s really all about.

Encourage the class to think about how they personally celebrate Christmas. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying traditions, decorations, and gifts, they should never replace Jesus as the center of it all.

Ways to keep Christ in Christmas:

  • Read the story of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2) as a family.
  • Attend Christmas church services and thank God for the gift of Jesus.
  • Give to those in need, just as Jesus gave Himself for us.
  • Take time to pray and reflect on the true meaning of the season.

Just like a beautifully wrapped empty box is disappointing, a Christmas without Christ is meaningless. This year, make sure that Jesus is not just part of the holiday—but the reason for it.

End the lesson by encouraging students to truly invite Jesus into their Christmas celebrations. After all, it’s His birthday!

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