The Holy Ghost will not hurt you
1st Angle
2nd Angle
What you need:
- A pan with a lid
- A 100% cotton T-shirt that you don’t care about
- 100% cotton thread strong long needle
- Lighter fluid
- Metal tongs
- A bowl of water or a very damp towel hidden. I like to hide the bowl under the table I am using, covered by the tablecloth so the kids do not even know it is there.
To make the fireballs you will cut a strip of the 100% cotton T-shirt that is approximately 8 inches long by 2 inches wide you will then roll it as tightly as you can into a ball.
- You will then sew it tightly together with the 100% cotton
thread. The best way to do this is to go all the way through the ball with the needle and out the other side over and over and over occasionally wrapping the ball with the thread. You will find that it is very difficult push the needle through the ball so I have found it helpful to use a pair of needle nose pliers to push it through and pull out the other side.
- Once the ball is made you simply dip it in lighter fluid, pick it up and allow the excess to drip off, place it in the pan and then light it on fire.
- Allow it to burn for moment while you wet your hands thoroughly with the wet towel. You can then pick up the fireball but be very careful.
- Another great way to protect your hands is the “accidentally” drop something and when you reach down, you dip your hands into a ball of water stored under the table. This actually works better than the towel.
- NOTE: Always keep your hands under the fireball and never above it or you will be burned. Always keep the fireball moving as it will become unbearably hot if left in one place for an extended period of time.
- NOTE: You will also find that there are a variety of types of lighter fluid out there some that burn more hot than others so you may need to do some experimenting.
Acts 2:1-4 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
The Holy Ghost is likened to fire throughout the Bible.
Acts 2:3 – And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
Jeremiah 23:29 – Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Jeremiah 20:9 – Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.Make sure that the fireball is dipped in lighter fluid and is no longer dripping and leaving it on the fire resistant surface light it on fire. I usually just leave it in the pan with the lid nearby.
Light the fire but leave it in the pan.
When you hear about the Holy Ghost for the 1st time it may sound like something to be afraid of. Speaking in a language that you’ve never heard of? Doesn’t that sound strange?
It is right there in front of you… all you have to do it reach out and grab it. But we are scared, so we decide we will wait until another day.
Put the lid on the pan and make the fire go out.
We are always afraid of anything we’re unfamiliar with and this is the same with the Holy Ghost. Until you have received it and realize what an unbelievable amazing thing it is, it may seem like something that you want to keep away from.
Use a variety of different excuses that people might come up with to put off receiving the Holy Ghost (see list below). At each one, light the fireball, pick it up with the tongs, pretend to reach for it but get scared and back off. Put it back in the pan and slam the lid. “Not now God… maybe tomorow.”
- Maybe it’s not real!
- I might miss the fun right after service with my friends
- Peer pressure
- Embarrassed by friends watching you pray
- Distracted by things around you
- Afraid to lift your head up. Afraid to speak out loud
- WHEN you are speaking and words begin to come out funny and you get scared and stop
That’s what the Holy Ghost really is! It is Jesus, coming in living inside of you and He has given us a sign that it has happened.
Acts 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. 46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God…
The sign that He has given us is speaking in a language we have never known. And it is exciting! Amazing! And definitely, nothing to be afraid of.
Here I “accidentally” drop something and use the diversion to dip my hands into the bowl of water. You do something similar with the damp towel but the bowl is much more effective.
Cautiously pick up the fireball making sure that your hands are under and not over the flame. KEEP THE FIREBALL MOVING!
You see, what people fear sometimes is nothing more than just that… a silly fear. When we actually try it, we realize how WONDERFUL IT REALLY IS! The Holy Ghost will never hurt us and is definitely nothing to be afraid of.
“This is a big theme in our class (cause fire is fun)”
Fire is indeed VERY enjoyable… it is a big part of our classes as well… sometimes to our peril. 🙂
You could also use it to display submission to the will of God. Keep yourself under the will of God, and it won’t hurt you. Put what you want to do on top of, or before, the things God wants, and you’re opening yourself up to get hurt
That is very creative! I really like and will definitely have to use that!