Object Lessons



Check out our exciting object lessons involving everything from science experiments to Christian illusions and much more!  You can search the object lessons by using one or more of the filters on the left.

The Day of Pentecost (How Much Does a Penny Cost?) | Skit
Go All The Way | Object Lesson
The GIFT of the Holy Ghost | Object Lesson
Forgiveness in a Weighted Backpack | Object Lesson
You Need the Armor of God | Skit / Object Lesson
Follow the Recipe of the Bible | Object Lesson
Christmas Story | Longform Skit
Story of Adam and Eve | Longform Skit
Fishing For Men (Being a Witness) | Skit
Show Me A Miracle | Skit
Story of David| Longform Skit
Story of Esther | Longform Skit
Sin Can Change You - Liquid Nitrogen | Object Lesson
ACTS Salvation Chant
Apostolic Chant
Story of Cain and Abel | Skit
Don't Block the Blessings | Object Lesson
Don't Be Proud, Building Yourself Up May Make You Fall | Object Lesson
Story of Hard Hearted Pharoah | Skit
Don't Be Full of Pride! Use the Gifts God Gave You! | Object Lesson
Repentance - Driving in the Wrong Direction | Skit
Umbrella of Authority | Object Lesson
Tender Hearted Eggs - Object Lesson
Holiness Inside & Out | Object Lesson
Sin is Heavy But God Can Help | Object Lesson
Layers of Authority | Object Lesson
Heart of Stone or Heart of Sponge | Object Lesson
Rely on God's Strength Not Our Own | Object Lesson
Light of the Sanitized World | Object Lesson
Colored Holiness - Object Lesson
Stained with Sin - Object Lesson
Story of Saul in to Paul... and Interactive Story | Skit
Pillar of Salt | Object Lesson
Respecting Authority | Skit
Mini Hands Make Light Work | Object Lesson
Weight on the Lord | Object Lesson
You Must Have the Right Ticket | Skit / Puppet Show
The Trash Bag | Skit
Forsake not the Assembling of Yourselves Together | Object Lesson
Water Into Wine | Object Lesson
What If Bible Stories Turned Out Differently? | Skit
God Gives Us So Much - Dove Pan | Object Lesson
Don't Be Lazy - Peanut Butter of Happiness, Jelly of Sorrow PBJ | Object Lesson
Count Your Blessing or You Might Lose Them | Object Lesson
Sneaker Juice | Be Careful Who You Listen To!
Pennies of God's Will | Object Lesson
The Tragedy of Bessie the Cow | Skit / Story
True Freedom - Mis-made Flag | Object Lesson
Deceitful Devil - Where is True Happiness Found? | Object Lesson
God Can Use the Good and Bad | Skit
Cooking With the Right Ingredients | Object Lesson
Bubbles or Bibles? | Object Lesson
Blooming Bouquet | Blooming Bouquet
Blinded by Tiny Problems | Object Lesson
Freedom from Baggage | Skit
Whole Lotta Love | Object Lesson
Keeping Your Promises | Skit
Life is Complicated but God Makes Is Simple (Rubix Cube) | Object Lesson
Praise Knocks the Walls Down - Skit
Grace & Mercy | Object Lesson
Put Your Success In God's Hands | Object Lesson
Multiplying Bottles of Prayer / Blessings from God | Object Lesson
The Real Gift Is Jesus | Object Lesson
No Weapon Formed Against Me | Object Lesson
O Taste & See | Object Lesson
The Key To Heaven | Object Lesson
You Need The Power | Object Lesson
New Year Resolutions by the Skit Guys | Skit
Words Can Leave Scars | Object Lesson
Soft or Hard Hearted | Object Lesson
Prayer -
Rapturous Balloons | Object Lesson
Open Your Mouth (to receive the Holy Ghost) | Object Lesson
God Can Change Us | Object Lesson with Bob
Stronger When Full | Object Lesson
United Orchestra | Skit
Protect Your Heart | Object Lesson
Teamwork Tube | Object Lesson
Left Behind | Rapture of the Church Skit
Twinkle Star - Lesson
God Can Come Back ANYTIME | Object Lesson
Good Samaritan w/ Modern Retelling | Skit
My God Can | Object Lesson
Armor of God ALL WRONG | Skit
Something Out of Nothing | Object Lesson
ILC Full Length Sunday School | May 7, 2023
Repentance in a Box | Object Lesson
Appearing Promise | Nothing can stop the Promises of God | Object Lesson
Disappearing Bottle (God Answers In His Way) | Object Lesson
Hank & Friends | Object Lesson
Trust the Trap
Icebreaker Idea - Breaking Ice
Boxing The Devil | Doing Things God's Way
Trusting in God | Trust Fall
Working With & Not Against God| Linking Rings
Shave Me Some of That Love | The Love of God
Working Together Bands | Flow Rings
Working Together | Teamwork Tube
Beads of Sin | One Sin Leads to Another

33 Responses

  1. Tiffanie says:

    I did “God can make your life beautiful” with my 2-3 year old this morning and they loved it!

  2. Shanna says:

    These website is amazing! Such a blessing for y’all to take out the time to share these things with us! Keep them coming please! ????

  3. Tahari Austin says:

    What an awesome resource! The children are responding in new ways. thank you for these amazing Apostolic based lesson ideas!

  4. Daniel Forrest says:

    I’m literally here every week for object lessons. I love having these tricks and illustrations compiled in a pre-packaged Apostolic format. Very cool. Thanks for doing this!

  5. Brady DeGroot says:

    Did “Get out of your box” this week. It went well except I accidentally knocked the whole side out too early.

  6. Brady DeGroot says:

    It came completely out, so I kind of picked it up and tucked it in the side. Then continued on with the skit.

  7. Kathy says:

    Thank you thank you. This site is so refreshing and needed! I’m constantly coming back to it for these fresh and different ideas !!! And every time the kids are so surprised and love it
    Long time Sunday school teacher 🙂 Sis Bane
    Simple and very impactful. LOVE. “The box”. Planning on that one soon. Thanks ?!!!!!!!!

  8. Travis Lee Vallejos says:

    Hi guys! I love your website. Did you guys try to do an upgrade? All the videos used to work on my phone and laptop. Now they are all choppy and doesnt fit on my phone screen. I hope you can figure out the problem soon. I really love utilizing your website for our Sunday School!

    • Oh no! We did change the theme on the word press site but I haven’t heard of any problems like that resulting. You can however go directly to the YouTube channel in the meantime by searching for apostolic Sunday school. I will look into it though.

  9. Anna Carter says:

    I would like for to send me a catalog on all of your Sunday school liture and books please for children and adults

    • Anna, I am really sorry but I don’t have anything like that available. This is just a site that I have put together on my own and as such we don’t yet have resources like that available. Hopefully one day though!

  10. Caleb Holmgren says:

    Best. Tool. Ever. I am here like every week! The kids love the object lessons! Thank you!

  11. Melissa Little says:

    i did the one on the mind it was awesome thank you so much for sharing

  12. Ronda Woods says:

    Thank you so much for the time and effort invested in children’s lives, whom you will never encounter, although our Father sees them and encounters their every breath, waiting for the right time and for us to respond to His leading to bring them ever closer to Him.

    Lord bless your every effort!

  13. Philip Ramirez says:

    I changed up the object lesson that uses the mannequin head and acetone. I used a large vegetable can and put My God Can on the front. I told the children that this is my “My God Can” can. Everything that I am able to put in the can, My God Can take care of it. I started off with a small piece of styrofoam that had headache written on it. I asked if God can heal a headache. I put the styrofoam piece in the can. Of course, My God Can. I proceeded to get larger and larger pieces with needs that we perceive as being more difficult and saved the largest piece for what people consider an impossible situation. The children loved it and everytime I asked if God could heal or take care of a certain situation that I had written on the styrofoam, they responded with “My God Can”. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas on this website!

  14. Steven Sparks says:

    Praise the Lord brother Phillip Booker! I thank the Lord for the resources you all have produced. I started using the object lessons in our Friday night youth services, and they have blessed our youth tremendously! May the Lord continue to bless you all greatly

  15. Brian Smith says:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to gather such great visual examples of biblical principles to help teach our kids. As a kid, visual type lessons always drew me in and helped me to retain what was being taught. Now it’s me teaching the kids at my church and see them enjoying these lessons like I enjoyed lessons when I was little. Thanks again and God bless you all.

    • Thank you so much for your kind remarks! I appreciate you taking the time to write this. It definitely helps make all the time with it. If you have any lessons of your own that you would like to share just let us know! We always need new ideas.

  16. Kay Taylor says:

    I have used many of your object lessons during our “engineering through the Bible” elementary kids’ ministry. These object lessons help me to present the lessons in a way that the kids can remember what is being taught and the kids love them! Such a great ministry. Thank y’all so much for helping us teach the Gospel message!

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