Resurrecting Egg
- 2 raw eggs
- Drill
- 1/16 drill bit
Get one of the raw eggs and drill a small hole (1/16″ bit worked for me) on the very top and the very bottom of the egg. Stick a long needle into the egg and stir it around, popping the yoke and make sure that everything is as thin as possible. Begin to blow on the top hole, pushing the liquid out the bottom hole. You may have to shake, stir more and blow hard to get it all out. You will leave the other egg as is.
Jesus was the hope of many when He lived on earth. He had many faithful followers who loved Him, believed in Him and rest all their hopes and dreams on Him.
He did many miracles, taught many incredible lesson and parables, healed many that were sick and so much more! But then… but then… all those hopes and dreams were crushed when Jesus was arrested, beaten, taken to the terrible hill of Golgotha.
Did you know that Easter is not just about bunnies and Easter eggs? It’s really about Jesus, and what he did 2000 years ago on a special Sunday morning, shortly after he died.
The Romans were not very nice people. They had perfected the art of hurting people and making sure that trouble makers were no longer going to make any more problems.
Jesus wasn’t the first person that they has crucified on a cross or put in a tomb. But no one had ever come out of it alive before.
Take the whole raw egg and crack it… show the oozing egg coming from the shell.

Yes! They had destroyed many but they had never met anyone like my Jesus before.
Luke 24:1-6 says… very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. So they went in, but they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes. The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!”
Jesus wasn’t just like any other man. They crucified Him because He let them. They put Him in a tomb because He let them… they rolled a huge stone in front of the tomb because He let them but whenever He was ready, He could have stopped the whole process.
They thought they would take it one step further and post huge mean guards in front of the tomb to once and for all make sure that no one would ever ever ever be able to say that Jesus had risen from the dead. But they didn’t know my Jesus.

The cross, the tomb, the stone and the guards weren’t enough to stop my Jesus… and when they finally opened the tomb they found that Jesus was no longer there.
Crush the egg shell and show that Jesus gone.

Jesus was alive and risen! He was not dead! He was alive and because he rose again, WE CAN LIVE!