ACTS Salvation Chant

This is another great way to learn about salvation by Bro. James Wang, one of the greatest children’s ministers to have ever served in the Apostolic movement! He teaches us how we are to be saved in the book of Acts: through baptism in Jesus’ name, speaking in tongues, and receiving the Holy Ghost by the children yelling out the chapters in which they are found. For more details and to see Bro. Wang demonstrating this in his church along with a thorough audio explanation, you can watch the video by scanning the QR code on the right.

  • Clapping and Stomping: Let’s start with a rhythm! Everyone will clap and stomp in a pattern: 1 stomp, 1 clap, 2 stomps, 1 clap (stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap). Keep this pattern going in a steady cadence.
  • Chanting the Chapters: While continuing the clapping and stomping, we’ll chant “Acts 2, 8, 10, 19” over and over again.
  • Singing the Lead: While this is happening, the lead will sing loudly, “How do we know how to be saved? Why do we baptize in Jesus’ name? Why do we speak in tongues? How do we get to heaven?”

If it’s too tricky for everyone to do both the clapping and Acts 2, 8, 10, 19 chant at the same time, you can split the kids into two groups: one group will handle the clapping and stomping, while the other will do the chanting of the Acts chapters.

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