The Parsley Flakes of Sin

1st Angle

2nd Angle

What you need:

  • Whole milk(you can do this with 2% or other milk but it does not work as well)
  • Dish soap
  • Q-tips
  • Parsley flakes or pepper



Fill a plate with the whole milk, allow the ripples to settle and then sprinkle in some parsley flakes

This bowl of milk here represents each one of us when we come to God. As you can see our lives are covered with sin but God can help us with that.

Dip the end of a Q-tip in the dish soap

The 1st thing that we need to do when we come to God is repent as it says in Acts 2:38

Have the whole class quote this

When we repent, God takes all the sins and gets rid of them immediately.

Touch the tip of the Q-tip with dish soap in the middle of the bowl and watch the parsley flakes scoot immediately to the edges of the dish.

Whenever we make a mistake all we have to do is tell God were sorry and the whole process starts over again. God loves us and wants us to be clean so He can live inside of us.

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1 Response

  1. Carlos Andrews says:

    Same concept works if you replace the parsley flakes with pepper. Another thing to experiment with is using whole milk or milk that is high in fat maybe like whole cream or buttermilk or half and half, see what effects the dawn dishsoap does that interacts with the different types of milks.